
My316life.com or EastCtDigitalChurch.com is a campus of Calvary Chapel in Eastern Connecticut. We are a fellowship of believers with a rich history of serving our community and world,  putting people in touch with God, turning people into followers of Jesus, and seeing lives changed, transformed and healed by the power of God.
WATCH 316LIFE WHO VIDEO click here

As a fellowship of believers who have discovered the life transforming power of Jesus Christ, we gather and assemble (in-person and virtually) to read, learn the scriptures, offer prayers, belong to a fellowship larger than ourselves, as we grow and share in life together. At Calvary Chapel we go verse by verse, chapter by chapter through the Bible. The “316” comes from Jesus words in John 3:16 “Whosoever Believes in Me” We’re ‘Whosevers’ “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but inherit eternal life.” John 3:16 We’re here because God loves people and sent Jesus to rescue and save us.

Anywhere.  You can participate alone at home, in your car, at work on a break, even on a plane! You can use a variety of devices to access East CT’s Digital Campus. Click here to join an Online Community.

We premiere our Digital Gatherings several times throughout the weekend. You can always connect with our online hosts, pastors, and spiritual counselors.

Because Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (meaning those who do not have a personal relationship with God.)  We’re joining with Jesus to find those that have not experienced their reconnection to God (Jesus called this being ‘born-again’) and then once found to grow together as we study and explore the scriptures together. Click here if you are beginning to follow Jesus

There are a number of ways to participate:

HYBRID: A combination of Online and In-Person church. Maybe participating virtual, or in a Watch Party and serving at the local soup kitchen with others, or attending a regional Men’s Group, Women’s group of Affinity Group. Attending a local service once a month to serve and gather with others. The possibilities are endless.

VIRTUAL: By yourself virtual anywhere during the hours we premiere the events or by accessing the archives after the weekend.

WATCH PARTIES: Where we meet together with friends, neighbors, co-workers, family to gather together for church by watching the study, praying, fellowshipping, maybe discussing, eating, or serving together. These can be in public or private gatherings

IN-PERSON: This option is for those that prefer in-person gatherings. We have a variety of in-person classes, worship gatherings, prayer meetings, and groups that meet roughout Eastern Connecticut.

CONNECT: with us with questions, prayer requests, help navigating through the seasons of life, and any feedback or input. We have hosts, pastors, and spiritual counselors available. Reach out we’re always glad to help! Click For Connection Card